Cadmould (Plastic Flow Simulation)
CADMOULD is a professional plastic injection molding simulation
With CADMOULD, you can predict and shape what will happen inside the mould – from filling, through packing, to cooling and shrinkage and warpage.
- Test different materials and modified part designs virtually, without wasting material, machine utilization and engineering hours — before you build your mould!
- Anticipate and fix issues before they happen, such as filling issues like air entrapments and weld lines, or shrinkage and warpage issues.
- Improve cycle times, energy use, reduce material waste and improve your sustainability footprint
- Collaborate better with your colleagues from other departments. By visualizing results, part and mould engineers can collaborate better with machine setters and measurement technicians
Superior multi-sim performance
CADMOULD’s sophisticated simulation algorithms are optimized to run multiple simulations in parallel.
If you have a powerful multi-core CPU computer, you can run several simulations concurrently, on the same computer.
Learn more, faster! Simulate multiple variants in hours instead of days!
CADMOULD fiber orientation simulation
CADMOULD Fiber simulates fiber orientation in your plastic injection molded parts.
Countless benchmarks have demonstrated the superior accuracy of our algorithm. Accurately simulating fiber orientations is crucial both for accurate mechanical properties of the part, as well as for shrinkage and warpage.
CADMOULD can seamlessly export fiber orientation results to leading structural software like Ansys and Digimat, as well as Crash testing software (Pam-crash). Or, you can use CADMOULD’s Structural FEM simulation module to anticipate its mechanical behavior.
Check out some of our references! More than 6000 companies work with CADMOULD. Among them are many distinctive leaders and innovators from the automotive, medical technology, electronics and consumer goods industries, and more!
CADMOULD Cascadic Injection enables you to simulate cascade injection molding. It computes the same key results as the core CADMOULD modules, but with the capability of simulating sequential filling across multiple gates.
CADMOULD Cascadic Injection: Filling of a complex part with multiple gates that open in a timed sequence
- CADMOULD Cascadic Injection computes the following results, for cases in which multiple gates are opened sequentially
- Filling (including weld lines and air enclosures)
- Pressure distribution
- Temperatures
- Flow speeds
- Clamping forces
- To generate these sequential injection molding results, Cascadic Injection module extends the functionality of modules Fill (filling simulation) and Pack (needed for packing pressure and cooling phase simulation).
- CADMOULD Cascadic Injection enables you to design the sequential opening of gates.
- Optimal design of component filling by cascade injection molding
- Determine optimal cascade timing and gate switching criteria
- Determine the maximum injection pressure and identify ways to reduce this pressure by modifying the gate control schedule
- Compute packing and cooling phase results, as influenced by the gate control. Anticipate shrinkage and warpage (requires modules Cool and Pack)
- Anticipate and fix filling problems such as air inclusions, weld lines, etc.
- Rapidly and easily compare alternative gate control schedules. Discuss advantages and disadvantages with your customers
- Optimize process parameters for existing parts and molds, to reduce the maximum injection pressure, to optimize weld line positions, and to minimize warpage
CADMOULD Cascadic Injection: Filling behavior progressing across time in a CADMOULD Cascadic injection simulation. In the top picture, only the central gate is open. A bit later (lower picture), gates 2 and 3 have opened, after the melt front has passed their locations.